Thank You for supporting us for the last 5 years and helping us become, India's largest In-Salon advertising Network. With your help and our hard work we have managed to create a network of almost 7000+ hair salons and beauty parlors across 32small and big cities in India.Not only that but we have even delivered successful campaigns to over 60 different brands in less than 60 months of introducing this unique concept. Our thirst for getting you more does not end there. We are striving to get get you more such effective and innovative channels to reach and communicate with your TG. Recently we partnered with Cafe Coffee Day and now can help you reach your TG through their 1,400 outlets and also reach 2000+ corporate offices where they have leased the CCD coffee machines. We are also now happy to introduce you to 1 more such exclusive & innovative network that any other agency would have introduced you to. We now present to you our network of 50 first"Chaiwallah's" from Mumbai and will be growing to get many more such Tea vendors and Coffee Shops across the country to promote your brand through branding their "Paper Cups" and converting your TG into a walking Billboard.
-February 18 2016
-February 18 2016