Sales professionals day, like other functions, does not start in an AC office with a cup of coffee at the table. Rather, it's with a hot day with mostly dust, sweat, and many a times disappointment. This is a regular day, which seems to come every day of every month till he achieves his target. In the sales profession, it's the numbers that count not the hard work. The pressure of targets is already a lot. Adding to this pressure is the stress of organizing the day, the plan, daily reports and receipts. The least that can happen is, sales guy's support functions is swift and has great planning. Lack of support in this regard is bound to affect the morale of the sales person. And this planning isn't short term or immediate, it has to be a broader vision. What happens now is not important, what will it lead to is! Let's use sheets, technology and communication as our major tool. Use Apps, manage sheets, and chat with your team every morning to see how are ...
You've graduated from college, degree in your hands, and you’re struggling between job offers through placements, e-portals and relatives (specially in India). Other than being one of the lucky graduates in a weak economy, you have a choice to make (Not the one where you choose an office job or a field job). On one hand is a high-paying entry level position at a reputable brand in your field. On the other hand is a job offer from a small startup that is just kicking off. You've seen their product, believe in their mission, and like their approach, but aren't sure you want to take on the risk of working at a startup. You're leaning toward that corporate job and good pay with nice benefits. The smart choice. Why most of Indians even run for Government jobs! Stability! Or is it? Here are a few reasons why my experience shows one should take the plunge and enter the startup world instead. Get that sack of responsibility on your back, that you always wanted. (Makes ...