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Money Isn't always a motivating Factor!

Sales professionals day, like other functions, does not start in an AC office with a cup of coffee at the table. Rather, it's with a hot day with mostly dust, sweat, and many a times disappointment. This is a regular day, which seems to come every day of every month till he achieves his target. In the sales profession, it's the numbers that count not the hard work.  The pressure of targets is already a lot. Adding to this pressure is the stress of organizing the day, the plan, daily reports and receipts. The least that can happen is, sales guy's support functions is swift and has great planning.  Lack of support in this regard is bound to affect the morale of the sales person. And this planning isn't short term or immediate, it has to be a broader vision. What happens now is not important, what will it lead to is!  Let's use sheets, technology and communication as our major tool. Use Apps, manage sheets, and chat with your team every morning to see how are ...
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Why I love, workign for "Startups!"

You've graduated from college, degree in your hands, and you’re struggling between job offers through placements, e-portals and relatives (specially in India). Other than being one of the lucky graduates in a weak economy, you have a choice to make (Not the one where you choose an office job or a field job). On one hand is a high-paying entry level position at a reputable brand in your field. On the other hand is a job offer from a small startup that is just kicking off. You've seen their product, believe in their mission, and like their approach, but aren't sure you want to take on the risk of working at a startup. You're leaning toward that corporate job and good pay with nice benefits. The smart choice. Why most of Indians even run for Government jobs! Stability! Or is it?  Here are a few reasons why my experience shows one should take the plunge and enter the startup world instead. Get that sack of responsibility on your back, that you always wanted. (Makes ...

Digital Marketing or still Age old Traditional Marketing

Digital marketing and traditional media have long been portrayed as being at odds with one another. But should we really say out with the old and in with the new? While digital marketing methods have definitive advantages over traditional methods, a healthy combination of the two can provide multiple relevant points of contact with a targeted customer base and foster business growth. Traditional Marketing Strategies Traditional media represents well-developed, decades-old strategies and tools used to spread the word about businesses and products. Platforms include radio, print, direct mail, and television advertising. Many can still be reached through these traditional advertising methods as they watch Cricket on a Sunday afternoon or read the newspaper over breakfast; however, they generally lead to fewer conversions because their messages aren’t targeted and often fall on deaf ears. But if that communication can be channelized perfectly and targeted at the right individuals, th...

A big Thank You to my Clients and here is something new for you!

Thank You for supporting us for the last 5 years and helping us become, India's largest In-Salon advertising Network. With your help and our hard work we have managed to create a network of almost 7000+ hair salons and beauty parlors across 32small and big cities in India.Not only that but we have even delivered successful campaigns to over 60 different brands in less than 60 months of introducing this unique concept. Our thirst for getting you more does not end there. We are striving to get get you more such effective and innovative channels to reach and communicate with your TG. Recently we partnered with Cafe Coffee Day and now can help you reach your TG through their 1,400 outlets and also reach 2000+ corporate offices where they have leased the CCD coffee machines. We are also now happy to introduce you to 1 more such exclusive & innovative network that any other agency would have introduced you to. We now present to you our network of 50 first"Chaiwallah's"...

Introduction & Achievements

Hi, I am writing this as I need a good bio on the world wide web. I can not have shit up there. I here because what I have done. It definitely is something that i have a hand in doing, nothing that gets me in the history books or nothing that changed the world. Not even something that broke the internet. But I do have in working with teams in creating some of the best companies of our time. My name is Akshay Gokalgandhi, and I know a better way for companies to become profitable.  I am a simple married man living with a small family in the suburbs of Mumbai or so called Navi Mumbai.  I have one talent and that is fixing Problems. Problems nobody thought could be fixed. I first learnt this talent years ago, with my daddy's distribution & logistics business. He had a small hick-up with regards to choosing the best solution to his logistical operations and sitting behind doing my home work from school, I overheard his issues and scribbled down a solution. Well ...